Ep11 Evan Holladay: In Pursuit of Profits and Passion
Today we host Evan Holladay, founder of Nashville based Holladay Ventures, a development firm that specializes on the affordable housing niche of the multifamily sector.
Throughout his career, Evan has developed and invested over $225 million across over 1,300 multifamily units.
In our interview we talk about the factors that are driving the affordability crisis that we are seeing in the US today, as well as what needs to be done to tackle this issue.
We discuss Evan’s journey of branching out on his own to found Holladay Ventures, something that he as a kid always knew he wanted to do.
And we discuss the impact that Covid-19 has had on his projects and how he is reacting accordingly.
To learn more about Evan please tune in to his Monumental podcast, as well as visit https://evanholladay.com/ and https://holladayventures.com/.
Here is the link to the article mentioned in the show: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/great-affordability-crisis-breaking-america/606046/